This is the blog of Hannah Hurey, mom to Connor and Wyatt and wife to Ryan. We live in WA state away from most immediate family. Here are MY thoughts and some family activities. Mostly trying to keep my sanity with the craziness of my house with three boys.
I have to say that within the first 25 pages I was laughing out loud. I LOVE Janet Evanovich!!! She is always good for a laugh so hard you almost pee your pants. I will not read her on the airplane because people look at me strange when I laugh. If you are looking for something to read that is light, this is for you.
In this episode Stephanie Plum is trying to track down a genius scientist who stole and invention he was working on and a big bad "Unmentionable"....Diesel is back and Morelli is NOT happy since his brother got kicked out by his wife and is now living with him. Chaos as only Stephanie could bring is out in full force. Can't wait to hear your thoughts.
I like to think that I am a fairly intellegent person othewise I wouldn't have an engineering degree. I told myself that when I started this blog that I would be honest about how I really feel with almost everything. Right now I feel like a huge failure when it comes to my kids education. Many of you know that we chose to put Connor in another year of pre-school. We switched schools and found a program that was more structured and had a true Pre-K program. At the time when I interviewed the teacher she told me that in Feb of last year all of her students were at the beginning stages of reading. Which is something Ryan and I dearly want for our son. Connor is a very intellegent boy and everyone has told us that his vocabulary is highly advanced and that they can tell he has been read to. However, he has no interst in letters, numbers, or writing.
Now we are faced with the dreaded Kindergarten question. When we moved into this house it was supposed to be in one of the best school districts in the state....but what happens when the state is 45 out of 50 states ranked in education. Does that still make it a good school district? Reading on-line reviews of the school he would attend were he to go into public schools I found things like, "there is no educational challenge, the teachers can do it, so can the students, but the administration won't let them" and "there is no parent involvement".
It is that last one that really got me thinking. Have I been an involved parent? Or have I just sat on the sidelines and waited for someone else to educate my child? Is that why I think he is behind? I have all the best intentions...we have the flashcards and workbooks...but I can never make the time to sit down and do them with him. I really has no interest in them either and it is a struggle to do them, but should I be insisting that he do them more often? It seems like the only time we have alone together is when Wyatt is napping. Sometimes Wyatt falls alseep in the car before we pick Connor up and by the time I get home and fix lunch, Wyatt is awake, leaving us no time.
How do others make the time? How do people who have multiple kids at different ages home school? Am I really a failure when it comes to my kids education?