Say hello to our new vanity. Isn't it pretty? After finding one on Costco.com and then going to order it only to be told that they didn't have any more, we searched again. This one was found on Samsclub.com...good thing my parents are members and we were able to order it under their number. It says it could take up to 4 weeks to get here, I am hoping for less because we need to know the color of the granite and the pulls to get the tile and the faucets and the shower hardware before we can install the vanity. Then comes the paint color, mirrors, and lights. We are off and running.
All the tile is off the walls and two walls have had the dry wall stripped. We didn't find any mold (thank god), but did find electrical and lots of 2x4 blocking, so we will have to remove that and then see the plumbing lines and such....oh what fun
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