I am feeling so uninspired lately. Mostly I am talking about scrapbooking and photos, but life in general too. I am trying to finish up this on-line scrapbooking class, but am not liking anything that I am doing. Partly because I really don't like the papers and am having a hard time finding some pictures that somewhat go with it...which brings me to another point, it is very hard to find free papers on the web that are anywhere near good. My picture taking lately has been dull, boring and just not exciting (see example at left). I am hoping that the trip to Port Townsend with my parents next weekend will have nice weather and give me a chance to take some beautiful pictures of my kids and surroundings....if I can keep my husband from filling the card with shots to "stitch" together and make a panorama.
I worked last night and even though it was a formal dance (and I do love seeing the kids dressed up) I just couldn't muster up the enthusiasm that I felt I should be having. It could be because the teacher said that the dance sales were terrible and that she would have cancelled the dance if she could have. I do get a minimum, but on a Friday night when I have made Ryan come home early...it would just be nice to earn some real money. It used to take me forever to drape the fabric for the backgrounds and have it look just so. Well, I am either just getting really good at it (I can hope this is it) or I just am beginning to not care. It is so hard when you know that things aren't going to get you much...grr....I hate feeling like that.
Please come soon sun to stay!!!
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